A primer for Google Analytics

Google Analytics is currently my favorite web analysis tool. If you not familiar with it yet, I recommend to check it out.

In order to learn more about it, you can go to YouTube and watch a couple of the video tutorials. To start, Google has a great introduction for getting familiar with the interface of Google Analytics:

Great additional tips, info and add-ons:

– There is a great primer on Newsvine how you can set it up in three steps.
– In a great post on Top Rank Blog Thomas McMahon highlights five lesser know Google Analytics features.
– Daily Blog Tip mentions 5 great Google Analytics reports for bloggers.
– Wilson Web lists 15 Google Analytics Tips to Speed Up Your Website Data Analysis & Optimization.
– In case you have an online business, I recommend to read the article “https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009612?hl=en”>Setup E-Commerce Tracking that comes directly from the source, the Help Center of Google Analytics.
– Very informative also is the post “Google Analytics Tracking for Flash” – also written by the Google team.
– Needless to say that it’s always worth to check out the Google Analytics blog for news and updates.

– For all the WordPress bloggers: I recommend to install the Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. Its interface is very nice, and the fine grained stats and AdSense integration make it a particularly powerful tool.

I will write more about Google Analytics and other web traffic analysis tools. Come back and check for more!

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