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My 5 Favorite Resolutions For The New Year

Belated happy new year! I wish you all health, happiness, prosperity and humor for 2009!

Opposite to previous years, I started the new year by making three resolutions:

  • To be dedicated to help people to make most out of the internet and grow my business
  • To expand my professional network
  • To learn something new every day.

Since I was curious what kind of resolutions other internet professionals made, I browsed through the web for some great thoughts. Here are my favorite resolutions for 2009:

Canadian Marketing Blog:

I resolve to be optimistic that businesses will remember the golden rule: You have to spend money to make money – especially in tough times. Stay top of mind with your best customers and they’ll remain loyal.

Copywriters Roundtable:

Around the clock, make curiosity a habit.  Ask questions. Every morning, read one piece of direct mail. Every day, have a set time for writing.  Never deviate from it. Always seek out your critics. They’ll teach you much more than your fans ever could.

Growthink: Top 10 new year’s resolutions for entrepreneurs:

Keep Launching, Innovating and Growing! While the economy may be in for a bumpy ride, make sure you keep it in perspective.  Don’t let all the negative news stop you from moving forward with your entrepreneurial initiatives.

Wired: 10 new year’s resolutions for geeks. Number six:

I will follow @stephenfry, @JohnCleese, @wilw, @hodgman, @greggrunberg, @donttrythis (Adam Savage), @levarburton, @nasa, and @thinkgeek on Twitter. If I am not using Twitter I will finally realize what I’ve been missing and sign up right away.


Stay away from the internet 20% a day, increase productivity by 400%.

What are you new year’s resolutions?

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