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Join Me For This SEO Strategy Webinar!

SEO strategies for PR webinar with Marc Baumann

I am happy to announce that I will be one of the speakers of an upcoming webinar titled “SEO Strategies That Will Help Your Message Find The Right Audience”. The webinar is organized by PR News Group, a leading go-to online source that serves over 150,000 PR, communications and marketing professionals at corporations, agencies, and nonprofits in the United States.

The three of us will not only give a comprehensive overview of the recent trends and changes in Search Engine Optimization and Search, but also provide actionable tips and tricks how any team in a smaller or bigger corporation can influence and collaborate on initiatives that help brands to maximize their reach, visibility, website traffic and online revenues.

My presentation will specifically focus on the value of Content Strategy, Content Development and Content Promotion / Amplification as essential SEO levers, and I will share tactics, tricks, and tools that are helpful for any team that can contribute to the content generation, storytelling and messaging efforts of a company.

Based on this, I’m convinced that this webinar is not only beneficial for PR & Communications experts, but for any professional in the Digital space that wants his / her employer to be successful online.

Here is all the info you need to know:

  • Webinar: “SEO Strategies That Will Help Your Message Find The Right Audience”
  • Date: August 23, 2016 from 1-3:30 pm EST / 10am-12.30 pm PST
  • Cost: $399
  • Registration: via this Webinar page

I would be thrilled if you can join me.

FYI: I will also summarize my presentation and share the slides on this blog after this digital event – so check back soon!

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    • 2235 Chapala St, Santa Barbara, CA 93105
    • hello@marcbaumann.com
    Marc Baumann Digital Growth Marketing Leader
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