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The Hidden Value Of A Long-Tail Content Strategy

As mentioned in my previous post, I would like to share the slides with you that I’ve created for my presentation of the webinar organized by PR News, titled “SEO Strategies That Will Help Your Message Find The Right Audience”.

At the essence of my talk, I highlighted the value of strategic content building that should be an integral part of every company’s digital marketing plan, and I’ve shared tips, tricks and tools how the focus on tail terms and topics that will yield the highest return on investment.

For those who are not familiar with the term: “Long tail” terms are queries or key phrases that are more specific (and usually longer) than more common “head” keywords. Although tail terms have lower search volume, they comprise the majority (~70%) of all search queries overall. they are significantly less competitive and have proven to convert at significantly higher rates than head terms. As a result, any Content Strategy that utilizes tail terms as it cornerstone will result in a more successful and sustainable online growth for its business.

Here is my presentation:

In a nutshell – it addresses the following topics:

  • What are the benefits of Organic Search (SEO) to a company?
  • How can any team (including yours) influence SEO?
  • Why is content he most effective lever?
  • 4 questions you should ask yourself before planning a content initiative
  • Choosing the right content for your business goals
  • Why going “Long-Tail”? What is its (hidden) value?
  • 8 crucial steps for your action plan
  • Tips & tools for evaluating and improving your existing content
  • Best Practices for creating new content that converts
  • How to promote your content
  • How to measure the impact of your content initiative
  • Case Study of a successful long-tail content initiative: Amazon.com
  • Final takeaways

Hope these inputs are as useful as they were to the participants of the PRnews webinar. Based on the feedback, they were well received.

seo strategy webinar feedback for marc baumann

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    • hello@marcbaumann.com
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